Tuesday, November 5, 2013


It's been a little while since I've updated my gratitude list on this blog, so this is a lot for one post :) As November has begun, I hope to spend time reflecting and making this list even longer! 

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." 
~Colossians 2:6-7

80. cardigans
81. painting
82. medicine during a sick day
83. wildflowers picked from the side of the road
84. pumpkins!

85. cinnamon scented candles
86. my crockpot! (a much used gift)
87. ceiling fans
88. throw blankets
89. Luke 1:45

90. lipton tea in a big mug
91. breakfast burritos
92. boots and knee socks
93. airborne gummies
94. time with girlfriends
95. confidence at work :)

96. coupons for Target
97. Isaiah 55
98. checking things off a to-do list
99. picnic on the beach
100. coffee in my nephew mug- "I <3 aunt="" my="" p="">

101. Chips the german shepherd and time playing with him :)
102. Moscato wine 
103. Little Talbot Island
104. fun new picture frames
105. rainy days to bring cold fall weather 

106. a freshly weeded garden
107. journaling through the Psalms
108. play dates with little ones
109. learning to say no
110. Colossians 2:7

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

gratitude #52-65

As I've gotten older, I have become more aware of advertising ploys and schemes that stores use to make us buy, buy, buy. And let me tell you, some of these stores have it down pat- they are GOOD at what they do. 
Two examples immediately come to mind for me. 
The first is good ole Target. I mean who doesn't love walking into a brightly lit, red accented, one stop shop like Target?! This store gets me every time. I can literally have a list (a written out on paper because I still like writing my lists on note pads and not just using my phone app) of 3 items, and walk out with way more than three! Now maybe this is just a discipline issue and something I need to work on, but I can bet I am not the only person who has this problem. 
The other store that comes to mind for me in particular is Michael's Craft store. Oh my, oh my. So many fun, crafty, cute things in this store, and the endless aisles of "clearance" items. I don't stand a chance. 

Now this may come off like I am defending my sometimes impulsive shopping, but in reality, this post was meant for another topic. Today is October 12th....the 12th of October....and yet over a week ago, I was in a Michaels (buying some canvases for a sweet friend's baby girl's nursery gift...and if I'm being honest, a few other little things that caught my eye) and the fall items were ALREADY on clearance. Why is this a problem you ask? Because it means that the store was already stocked for CHRISTMAS! Don't get me wrong. I for one love Christmas. It is in fact my most favorite holiday and season, but!
I am becoming more and more frustrated with our culture's incessant need to move through life quickly. 

As you know from reading my blog, I have recently begun a journey of gratitude (through journaling, blogging, photography). I want to be able to enjoy and be grateful for the month of October and the crisp weather it is bringing. The awesome pumpkin flavored goodies that are made; the ability to wear a scarf and boots and not be sweating; having your windows rolled down and not getting a sunburn while you're driving. All these things are good things. I want to stop and enjoy them, as little as they may seem. I don't want to be thinking about the holiday that comes after before I have even experienced the next one on my calendar!

So here's to living in the here and now! And enjoying the time and seasons that God has given us to enjoy. Our culture has begun to forget Thanksgiving even exists. It's become just a Thursday to eat turkey, watch football, and gear up for mad shopping the next day (which I just have to say I have never participated in...side note: I think our culture is the only one to "celebrate" what we are thankful for the day before trampling over people to get what we want. Sigh!)

So in my new season of gratitude, I encourage you not to skip from Halloween right onto Christmas. There will be plenty of time for that holiday. Remember Fall and Thanksgiving. And actually have some gratitude. 


52. Enjoying my downtown with friends at the Octoberfest Art Walk
53. magenta lilies to brighten my day
54. sweet bedtime hugs and kisses from little ones for their babysitter
55. football Saturdays
56. watching the sunrise over the skyscrapers downtown on the way to work in the morning
57. soup on a sick day
58. having a day off to rest
59. free tickets to a Magic game downtown
60. laughter
61. strawberry banana smoothies in the morning
62. using wine bottles for vases
63. laughter
64. chocolate chai tea lattes
65. lunch after church with old and new friends

Friday, September 27, 2013


30. a favorite song on the radio to make traffic a little nicer
31. leftovers for dinner
32. book browsing at the book store and new book smell
33. small pockets of sunshine on a rainy day
34. "spring cleaning" out the closet even though it is clearly not spring
35. reading about Joanna in Luke 8 who faithfully followed Christ
36. eating dinner outside under the pergola on a rare cool evening
37. spinach greens + turkey + apple + chicken + ranch dressing
38. purple notecards for scripture verses
39. first breeze of fall blowing through open windows
40. the smell of shampoo after a post-run shower

Monday, September 23, 2013

Gratitude #15-25

A few more today :) 
I decided that I would share snippets of my list with you all, rather than all of them, so here are 10 more for today!

15. hardwood floors
16. vacuums to clean hardwood floors :)
17. group texts from my family (sometimes all 8 phones in one text!)
18. Christ Church East
19. cat naps
20. a favorite jean jacket
21. letters
22. drinking blue moon during a harvest moon
23. yummy new recipes
24. spin class
25. being on the schedule for work! finally!

Friday, September 20, 2013

One Thousand Gifts

This summer the Lord put it on my heart that I am not nearly grateful enough- in fact, I am incredibly selfish and ungrateful most of the time. I found a wonderful journal at a Barnes and Noble in the clearance section (the last in stock) and since buying it, I have found a renewed sense of gratitude. The journal is a 5 year gratitude journal with enough space each day to write one or two thoughts from the day. I began that journal on June 26th- my last official day on staff with Campus Outreach. Surprisingly, I have been quite faithful in writing each day, and so almost 3 months later, I have not missed one entry. Already I know it will be a sweet journey for me to look back on each year --the journal is created so that one page has a spot for that day for 5 years (so each year you can see what you were grateful for on that same day the year before). 

Fitting with the theme of gratitude, I found a book that was highly recommended to me a few years ago that I never got around to reading--One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. This book is her journey of living fully where she is; finding joy in the midst of everyday things. She opens her book talking a lot about the greek word "eucharisteo"which means "gave thanks" from the verse in Luke 22 about Jesus breaking bread and giving thanks. The root for this greek term is "charis" meaning "grace," which also has a stem for "joy" within it. 


As I read this, I decided to dedicate another journal to what Voskamp herself decides to do: physically writing out a list of one thousand things she is grateful for- things that bring her joy; one thousand blessings. So I decided that I will try and do this as well (we all know how much I love lists!)
I have no idea how long this will take me, but I don't intend to rush through this journey either. It may take 5 years just like my gratitude journal, but however long it will take, I hope I am changed along the way. Join me as I share with you through this blog some of my one thousand gifts. And maybe this will inspire you to pick up a pen and find an empty notebook to write out things you are grateful for today- things that bring you joy in the midst of your busy life! 

1. steady raindrops on the brick path in the backyard
2. iced coffee
3. clean laundry smell
4. a fresh new haircut for the fall
5. a four legged companion for the week while my brother is out of town
6. a slight breeze to cool off my morning walk with the canine
7. flowers from a sweet person on my kitchen table
8. my church community group
9. finishing a great novel (Redeeming Love)
10. sea cotton scented hand soap

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Faith like a Child

I love children, always have. I'm not sure why exactly, but I know it's from God. Sometimes I get along with kids better than I do adults. I love their curiosity, their innocence, their excitement over the little things, and their deep love. Love without hesitating (in most cases). It makes sense to me that Jesus compares our faith to the faith of a child in Mark.

:: and they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter at all." And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands upon them. :: Mark 10: 13-16

This morning I have been enjoying listening to worship music made for kids (Praise Baby Worship and Seeds Family Worship). I'd encourage you to look them up because I honestly love it! I know it's meant for kids, but the words are the same for the babies as they are for you and me. Jesus is the same, and He will always be the same. He will never leave or forsake us, and that is something to take to heart. I tend to over think and over analyze things, but sometimes it is good to just stop and breathe. Take a break and see Jesus as the kind, gentle, loving Savior who took time to bless and hold the children. He HELD them! He took them in His arms! And He does the same for me and for you. Find your inner child today, and see Jesus as the one who gives the greatest hugs imaginable! 

Seeds Family Worship :: Mighty to Save (Zephaniah 3:17)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Birthday Love

Today my nephew Jackson turned one! I cannot believe it has been a year since I was sitting on the couch at my parent's house eagerly waiting for the call about his birth! We were up late on the 3rd waiting for the little guy, but oh so happy, when he was born on the 4th! Our Grandpa Schreck's birthday :) 
I do wish my brother and his family lived a little closer to Florida so I could see my nephew more often, but I am know that lil Jack has lots of "aunts" and "uncles" up where he lives! 

This was taken when I got to meet Jack for the first time at Christmas! What a few week with the lil man! I cannot wait to see him again! 

What a cutie!!! 

Love you Jack!! 

--Aunt Abbie